Monday, February 28, 2011

Andi's Parade

Last Thursday was Andi's Parade for her Little Mr. and Ms. Sacred Heart. Woke up early again to fix her hair and make up, and this time she's going to wear her Wonder Woman costume.  The theme of their float was superhero.  Of course everybody was really excited, we already brought the truck to our partner The Abads (because they were 4th Placers too) because they'll be the one to design the truck. 

We were kinda' hoping for a nice float but we were surprised that it was too simple.  We were in charge of the truck, and our partner will be designing the truck.  If only we knew, we could have helped them with the float.  Oh well, as long as the kids are happy, we're happy.  

But as soon as we got at the school, Andi was not in the mood (as always).  She was being masungit to everyone.  She wasn't smiling at the teachers or the camera. . 

And then I just bribed her with a candy.. Now, she's smiling! Hehehe!

 With her partner Matthew Abad.

 It was nice to see people smiling at the kids.. Got us more excited.

With the supportive kuya, woke up early to join the parade.  It's a good thing his class starts at lunch.

It was a fun parade, Thank God for the nice weather.  It wasn't sunny just cool enough for the kids.  It made the parade so much easier for everyone. 

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