Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Summer Vacation!!!!!

Time flies so fast..  It's as if it was just yesterday that we’re getting ready for Christmas, and now, it’s SUMMER!!  But it’s kind’a late though.  Kian’s end of class will be on March 31, while Andi is on March 25.  Oh what the hell!  It’s still gonna be a vacation!!!!  No more early morning preparations for school!! Hmm.. but I still have to wake up early for my 7month old baby Khloe.. Hihihi!  It’s okay, more time with the kids of course, until they get tired of us..  I hope not!

But they will surely miss school, they love going to their school.  Andi and Kian have different attitude towards school, it’s like they built their own world there that us, their parents can’t go.  In a good way though, ‘cause they have high respects to their teachers, they STRICTLY follow teacher’s and the school’s rules!  I wish I was like that when I was at school..

My kids never want to be late!  They always get mad at us whenever we’re late, or forgot to bring something at school, they don’t like their baon (then don’t like biscuits as baon! Hahaha!).  That’s why I make sure that we go to school on time, with lots of time play before and after school (they like hanging out at school), check on their school stuff so they won’t forget anything (but we’re teaching Kian to be more responsible, now he’s like “mommy, I have an assignment” every hour! Kulit! But it’s all right, he knows I’m forgetful!) Haay, love them to bits! 

Things to do this SUMMER:
  • Look for more affordable summer fun activities for the family (so kuripot!)
  • Look for Kian’s summer activity
  • Choose a school for Andi (NDGM or St. Mary’s?)
  • Lose more weight (“,)

This March 19, Kian will join the graduation of Kinder 2 because he got a Gold Medal for “Best in Oral Reading”.  He chose his dad to come up the stage with him, so proud of him!  

We still have lots of stuff to do before the end of school! 

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